Corporate Writings

HR manuals/ Policies & Procedures/ Job Descriptions/ Job Specification and much more.

Policies and procedures are an essential component of any organization. Together, policies and procedures provide a roadmap for day-to-day operations. They ensure compliance with laws and regulations, give guidance for decision-making, and streamline internal processes. To be a successful organization, you must have your own policies and procedures which enables smooth functioning of your business, provides framework and structure for your organization. When consistently enforced, they contribute to the development of your company culture. As a SME business owner, one of your prime responsibilities is developing and implementing policies and procedures which helps you transform your work place to a successful organization. These include policies related to employee rights and responsibilities, specific acceptable and unacceptable workplace activities and safety procedures.

Employee Handbook

The purpose of an employee handbook is to orient new employees with the company. It is a resource that provides answers for the most frequently asked employee questions. Besides informing new employees about company policy, a good handbook emphasizes the at-will nature of the employment and the company’s disciplinary and termination rights. Most importantly, it is a declaration of the employer’s rights and expectations.

Our experts especially design and deliver the contents for your employee handbook with full dedication and perfection.

Corporate Communications

Do you wish to get an HR corporate journal? Here we are available to guide and design a perfect corporate communication with the right content. Excellent business writing is profitable, especially for small and medium companies.

Job Description (JD)

A job description, or position description, is a written statement explaining why a job exists, what the job holder actually does, how they do it and under what conditions the job is performed. One of the most important sets of documents that a business can have is a current and clearly expressed set of job/position descriptions. Developing job descriptions is essential to the success and efficiency of your business because it create clarity of each role -understanding every role within your business should be defined via a job description

Write the right job description to enable your staff to perform better. Our team of HR Experts will assist to device a perfect JD.